
ПедалаBicycle - educational and technical dedication for those that ride and want to ride a bicycle.

Social - for socialization and help between us.

Centre - place where bicycle riders can get together.

Pedal - moving forward from our, joint, own power.

Centre for development and improvement of the bicycle culture "Pedal" is an idea for which we have finally found support from the Centre for Research and Policy Making in the framework of their project Smart Start and indirectly from the European Union to help us in the establishment of a Social Bicycle Centre in Skopje.

The Social Bicycle Centre is envisioned as a centre for bicycle related training and education, space for servicing bicycles, place for socialization of bicycle enthusiasts and as a support to the bicycle culture of Skopje. And when we say bicycle we mean on sustainable bicycle urban transport that is a solution to the traffic jam in the city, measurement for cleaner air, physical activity that leads to better health of the citizens and is a source of smiles.

Therefore we say that our mission is to "spread smiles, through encouragement more people to ride bicycles, to lend a hand to people when it is needed, and to create a nicer city."

The activities that the Social Bicycle Centre will have, but are not limited only to these, are:

The Social Bicycle Centre is planned to be self-sustained from the membership fees of citizens and organizations and from the enrolment fees for the workshops that we will organize.

„Pedal“ is an initiative open for cooperation, especially since it is foreseen many workshops to be held in partnership with experts, artists, activists and all those that can contribute to a better urban bicycle culture.

Update: Due to the Coronavirus crisis the Social Bicycle Centre is closed. We will be returning in operations when the crisis will pass and gathering of groups of people is allowed. Please await for our public announcements on the Centre's social pages: Instagram and/or Facebook.

Contact: Aleksandar Saveski, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.