

Општи информации

Project: Carpentry Educational Workshop for Decreasing Waste from the Furniture Industry in Skopje
Organization:   Civil organization “Centre for Sustainable Initiatives” - Skopje

Petar Deljan 2-5/16,
1000 Skopje,
+389 77 722294,
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Duration:   12 months, March 2022 - February 2023
Donor: GEF SGP Republic of North Macedonia
Support: Famod, Akron, Password production, Pro-designBranimir kompani, Yugoimpex, Monozero, Drvoteks, Prima promet, BlazicBibaterk, Infini studio
Budget: 51314 САД долари ( 30611 САД долар од страна на ГЕФ ПМГ)


Short description

   The overall goal of the project is to promote socially responsible and environmental practices in carpentry that will lead to waste reduction in the furniture industry by creating a Carpentry Educational Center.

   The Project’s specific objectives are divided in three areas:
   The specific environmental objective is the utilization of at least 1 ton of leftover material (particle board) that is made in the production processes of the furniture industry.
   The specific educational goal is promotion of sustainable carpentry practices, by organizing 5 workshops for a total of 50 people; to enable at least 500 people to have use of the products made from leftover materials that would otherwise end up as waste; and to reach at least 10000 people on social media.
   The specific social goal is to enable preparation for employment in the furniture industry, by organizing a workshop for employment of 10 people. This would increase the personal capacity of at least 5 people and open employment opportunities in the furniture industry. 

   The project activities are:

  1. Preparation of programs and people for education in the area of carpentry and the furniture industry.
  2. Carpentry skills building workshop intended for people that previously did not have carpentry experience and which can direct to employment.
  3. Carpentry educational workshops intended for hobby carpenters.
  4. Management with a network for sustainable carpentry, where the companies - supporters of the project and other companies will be linked.
  5. Visibility and dissemination of the results.

   In the activities foreseen in this project, participation of women will be favored.
   The workshops will be held in Macedonian language.


How to get involved in the project

   For hobby carpenters

   The Carpentry educational workshops and intended for you. The workshops will be held by experienced carpenters. During the workshops you will build elements that you can keep or donate them to charity.

   For people that want to try carpentry
   For the people that have no experience in carpentry and do not have experience with power tools, and want to learn or at least to try, we prepared a Carpentry skills building workshop. On During the workshop you will gain knowledge and confidence in relation to the basic carpentry skills related to the use of hand tools. These workshops will be held by experienced carpenters that are part of the companies - our supporters. Our connection with the furniture industry will enable recommendation to those that want to work in the field and that grasp the skills learnt.

   For companies
   For the companies that want to connect with this project and to get involved in the process of popularization and promotion of carpentry are welcome to take part in the Advisory Board of the Carpentry Educational Center. 

   For expression of interest for taking part please send a message on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow the calls on the social pages of the project: Facebook or Instagram.


The idea and vision behind the project

   Our long term aim is to establish a Carpentry Educational Center in which, besides educational workshops, we will organize events to present and promote tools, materials and skills in the area of carpentry and furniture making. Furthermore, the Center may become a co-working place for DIYers. 
   The financial sustainability of the Center will be achieved by charging a participation fee for the educational workshops, or a membership fee.

   The Carpentry Educational Center will have its activities based on the cooperation with the companies from the carpentry (furniture) industry. The companies will be part of the Advisory Board of the Center and will guide and help the activities. All educational activities will be based on this cooperation, where the educators will be the professionals from these companies. In the Advisory board there will also be other organizations as members which will want to assist the work on the Center with its expertise.